An exposition of agricultural machinery, educational programmes for children on the topic of genetics or sitting in a pleasant café can all be enjoyed at the Mendel House in Vražné. Explore the monument where the brilliant natural scientist of German origin, founder of genetics and discoverer of the basic laws of heredity was born and spent his childhood.
You can also visit the J. G. Mendel Museum, where you will find several newly acquired exhibits, including the baptismal font in which J. G. Mendel was baptised and a rare collection of books printed to commemorate the 200th anniversary of his birth. The Birth House also includes a library. There are 37 places to stay in the house and there is also an electric bicycle rental, which was purchased in cooperation with the Moravian-Silesian Region. The birthplace is a meeting place for the citizens of Vražné, where fairs and celebrations of the birth of J. G. Mendel are held, the so-called Vražné village festival. Not only the birth house, but also the adjacent gardens and the Old Firehouse are cultural monuments. Museum tours, weddings, workshops and educational programmes take place in the house all year round.

Rodný dům Johanna Gregora Mendela
Hynčice 69
742 34
+420 733 548 112